Next reorganization of the group became with leaving of Karel Zich, in season 1973/74. Spirituál started to show with tramp group (later named Brontosauři) with brothers Jan and František Nedvěd and Zdenka Tosková. Next year leaved Jarka Hadrabová and came Eva Lifková.
In 1980 Eva Lifková married and went to Francie, in its stead became Irena Budweiserová. Very short time, we had seen also Lenka Slabá and Jan Nedvěd in the group.
During revolutionary events (November 23, 1989), the group sang on Prague squares, (two presidents sang with them Vaclav Havel and George Bush senior). For next american president Bill Clinton, the group showed in Reduta in January 1994. In this time, the member was Karel Zich again. František Nedvěd became in 1992 after his brother after recording of album Rajská zahrada.
In 2000 Olda Ortinský leaved Spiritual, came Jirka Cerny, who was band-master of music band C&K Vocal.
Year 2004 was written by black letters to the history of this band. This year, exactlu in July 13, their member Karel Zich drowned in the Medi, during his diving trip. It wasn´t the first time, what the band lost one of the members (two of the foundation-members, manager of the band), but it was the first time, what Spiritual had to say good-bye to one of the youngest members from actual arrangement.
It was very hard leave-taking. Karl Zich was great singer and player (his nick was Elvis Presley of Czecho-Slovakia).
In September 2004 became Jiří Holoubek to the band from Relief.
The next member Oldřich Orlický dead in May 3, 2006.
Irena Budweiserová, sing, percuse
Zdena Tichotová, sing, percuse
Dušan Vančura, sing, kontrabas
Jiří Cerha, sing, perkuse
Jiří Tichota, 6-streams guitar, band-master
Jiří Holoubek, guitar
- Písničky z roku raz dva, Supraphon 1973, reedice 2003
- Spirituály a balady, Supraphon 1978, reedice 1995, 2007
- Saužení lásky, Supraphon 1981, reedice 1996, 2007
- 20 let, Supraphon 1984, reedice 1993
- Šlapej dál, Panton 1985, reedice 1994
- Every Time I Feel The Spirit, Panton 1986
- Šibeničky, Panton 1988, reedice 2003
- Za svou pravdou stát, Panton 1990
- Hallelu, Panton 1991, reedice 2007
- Rajská zahrada, Panton 1992, reedice 2001
- Antologie 1960-1995, Sony/Bonton 1994, reedice 2003
- Hanba nám!, Monitor 1994
- Na káře, Pupava 1997
- Vánoční koncert, Monitor-EMI 1998
- Křídla holubic, Pupava 2002
- Karel Zich a Spirituál kvintet, Sony Music 2004
- Křížem krážem, Sony BMG 2005
- 45 let archiv, Sony BMG 2006
- Spirituál kvartet, Supraphon 1963
- Spirituál kvintet, Traditional jazz studio, Supraphon 1967
- Spirituál kvintet, Supraphon 1971
- Čtwero pjsnj, Panton 1986, reedice 2007
Participation :
- Dostavník
- Písně amerického západu, 1969
- 20 let Porty
- Porta 1
- Porta 2
- Country fontána 97
- Folkové balady
- F & C Hity
- 20 folkových písní 1
- 20 folkových písní 2
Dvě Báby
Válka růží
Za svou pravdou stát
Really Great Festival!!!!